Exchange rates for UK - Daily spot rates against Sterling

Currency 16.04.2024 Variation 15.04.2024
EUR Euro 1 0.8546 +0,0010 0.8535
USD US Dollar 1 0.8037 +0,0006 0.8031
INR Indian rupee 100 0.9606 -0,0010 0.9616
AUD Australian Dollar 1 0.5144 -0,0042 0.5186
CAD Canadian dollar 1 0.5812 -0,0021 0.5833
CHF Swiss franc 1 0.8805 +0,0018 0.8787
CNY Chinese yuan 100 11.0607 +0,0002 11.0605
ZAR South African rand 1 0.0422 +0,0000 0.0422
CZK Czech koruna 100 3.3816 +0,0115 3.3700
DKK Danish krone 100 11.4530 +0,0128 11.4402
NOK Norwegian krone 1 0.0732 -0,0001 0.0733
HKD Hong Kong dollar 1 0.1026 +0,0000 0.1026
HUF Hungarian forint 100 0.2164 -0,0001 0.2165
ILS Israeli shekel 1 0.2139 +0,0001 0.2139
JPY Japanese yen 100 0.5199 -0,0005 0.5204
KRW South Korean won 100 0.0577 -0,0001 0.0578
MYR Malaysian ringgit 1 0.1677 -0,0003 0.1681
NZD New Zealand dollar 1 0.4727 -0,0026 0.4753
PLN Polish zloty 1 0.1961 -0,0022 0.1983
RUB Russian rouble 100 16.7723 -0,0335 16.8059
SEK Swedish krona 100 7.3469 -0,0268 7.3737
SGD Singapore dollar 1 0.5890 -0,0002 0.5892
THB Thai baht 100 2.1915 +0,0102 2.1813
TRY Turkish lira 100 2.4735 -0,0041 2.4777
TWD Taiwan dollar 100 2.4695 -0,0056 2.4751
SAR Saudi Riyal 1 0.2143 +0,0002 0.2141

Exchange rate for 16 April 2024

On Tuesday, the british pound (GBP) has depreciated with respect to the Euro by 0.0010 units compared to the previous day. Thusly, the BoE has shown an spot exchange rate of 0.8546 Pound for the Euro and of 0.8037 Pound for the American Dollar.

Here are the links to the exchange rate for 16 April 2024 and to exchange rate for 15 April 2024

Spot exchange rates

The average exchange rate in December 2023 for the euro was £0.8618 (pound sterling).

Spot exchange rates represent indicative middle market (mean of spot buying and selling) rates as observed by the Bank's Foreign Exchange Desk in the London interbank market around 4 pm.

Spot rates apply to deals executed for settlement two working days later.

If you plan to acquire travel money in a foreign currency, remember that the exchange office rates could be higher.

On Thursday 3 August 2023, the Bank of England increased interest rates by 0.25% to 5.25%. Next due: 9 May 2024. The current inflation rate is 3.4%. Target: 2%.

BoE exchange rate charts

Exchange rate chart
